Recycling Solutions for Industrial Ecology

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Faced with today’s diverse environmental concerns, integrating an industrial ecology approach is essential. This approach makes it possible to resolve the various issues at stake, including the depletion of natural resources, waste management and the preservation of the planet. Metaconcept offers industrial ecological solutions to help you achieve your carbon footprint reduction and sustainable development objectives.


Role of Advanced Technologies in Waste Recovery


In the face of technological advances, many companies are faced with the challenges of managing complex metal waste. They need to take effective steps to implement a more sustainable industrial ecology. Fortunately, there are now specialists like Metaconcept offering industrial ecological solutions. The company offers its know-how and services to recover new waste from high-tech industries. The specialist recycles smart cards, bank cards and SIM cards. It also recycles non-ferrous metals and precious metal baths and rinses from various industrial sectors.

Need specific support in recycling your waste? Metaconcept can be your partner in achieving your objectives. The recycling solutions we offer enable you to reduce your company’s environmental impact. We specialise in recycling non-ferrous metals from your industrial processes including oxides collected from molten metal baths, offcuts from tin-based laminates, metal waste from tin pottery or electroplating, polluted tinning or soldering baths, etc.


The economic benefits of recycling in industrial ecology


By opting for Metaconcept’s industrial ecology recycling solutions, you are actively helping to preserve natural resources. Fortunately, most non-ferrous metals are infinitely recyclable, including tin. Tin scrap can be recycled for a variety of applications. After recycling, the metal retains its properties such as corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, low melting temperature, etc.

Furthermore, converting to industrial ecology allows you to reduce the amount of waste thrown into the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. It also prevents environmental damage. In addition to tin, other metals are infinitely recyclable, such as iron, aluminium, copper, brass, bronze and steel. The problem, however, is that the recovery rate for tin is still very low compared with other metals (only 33%, compared with 47% for steel). When you turn to Metaconcept, your waste is recycled in compliance with the standards and regulations in force.


Metaconcept: your partner in promoting a circular economy


Need a partner to promote a circular economy in your industry? Choose Metaconcept, a company specialising in recycling industrial metals. We have been present in the French market for several years. Thanks to our expertise in the field, we can provide you with effective support in your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment. Choose Metaconcept’s industrial ecological recycling solutions. These solutions offer users comprehensive, made-to-measure services such as provision of containers, collection of industrial waste, transport, sorting, recycling and recovery.

The recycling services offered by Metaconcept comply with the requirements of current certification standards. Our activities are ISO 9001:2015 certified. We are also authorised to trade, transport and transfer waste across borders. Finally, Metaconcept’s recycled products are ISO 9453 certified. Find out more about our industrial ecology recycling solutions by contacting our team of experts.

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